Learning to question our response to the things which happen to us or around us is a great starting point for increasing our self-awareness of our own self-talk, our emotional triggers and our own biases. Acknowledging and accepting our emotions is essential to freeing us to feel them without reacting to them in a knee-jerk way. If we observe them and name them we give ourselves space to let them go when they are holding us back, and from there we can make conscious decisions which align with our values and purpose in life.
Reflection at the end of the year is also a great opportunity to look at our own choices and to accept and own those choices, rather than indulging in excuses about how and why you came to be where you are right now.
So set aside some time-out from the holiday chaos and sit in the park or looking out over the ocean to allow the beauty of the natural world to wash over you, take some deep breaths and then pick up a pen and paper and answer the following questions:
1) List your top five achievements this year
These can be large or small, and don’t worry about anyone else’s opinion, think of things which are important to you.
2) Name 5 challenges you overcame this year
What are you proud of overcoming? Again think large or small, and also acknowledge which internal barriers you overcame
3) What would you have done differently and why?
4) What did you learn about yourself?
5) What new skills or knowledge did you learn this year?
6) Which relationships did you develop this year?
Either new or existing and with whom?
7) What gave you the most fun this year?
8) How are you different from this time last year?
9) How did you contribute to others?
10) For what do you feel particularly grateful?
Release what does not serve you
Use this exercise as a starting point for reflecting on what has filled you with energy and joy during the year and what has depleted you. Heighten your awareness of those uncomfortable emotions around what has not gone so well but then consider what you can learn from them and then release their hold on you.
Savour the positive
Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t achieve all you wanted, rather focus on learning and celebrating what you have achieved. Too often we cling to the disappointments but move too quickly past the joy and the successes. Our inbuilt negativity bias ensures that for survival we focus too much on negative experiences so both seek out and savour the positive ones to build your resilience and optimism.
So take a few deep breaths and really feel in your body the happiness which comes from the achievements you have had this year, the joy from those activities or events or people which have made you laugh and feel the gratitude for those things which have got you to where you are today.
Reward yourself
To get the most out of the dopamine rush you are now creating think of a way to reward yourself for getting to where you are right now. Remember you are enough no matter where you are so celebrate this moment before moving on. Treat yourself with a gift, perhaps something beautiful which expresses your unique essence, although it does not have to be a material reward – perhaps set aside some time to go for a long walk, visit that art exhibition you have been meaning to get to, set aside time for your own creative pursuits, pamper yourself with a long bath, spend the morning in bed!
And now you are ready to truly look forward to 2017 and all that it will bring!
If you would like to kickstart 2017 with intention and purpose then click here for details of a fabulous workshop I am planning with my gorgeous friend and yoga teacher, Beth Borowsky of Just Breathe Yoga.
If you would like support in finding clarity around your goals and your pathways in 2017 please contact me at [email protected].