I find it completely fascinating how our sense of identity can morph as we go through our lives and there are times when those transition phases are really, really challenging, for example I struggled enormously when I first had children. My new role as a mother changed my perspective on so many things in life, particularly in regards to my career, and we all play so many roles - those of daughter / son, brother / sister, parent, boss, employee, friend, that sometimes we can lose sight of what we want. Yet at the core of ourselves we do know what we believe in, what we value and what we stand for, it's just that sometimes we need a little help to rediscover our true essence!
To find a meaningful way to live your life and to do so in a truly authentic way it is essential to understand your own story, and to explore the stories you tell yourself about why you are where you are.
I recently released an e-book entitled Finding Freedom & Fulfilment, designed to prompt you to articulate your values and also to prioritise them. This provides a touchstone when we are faced with challenging situations or difficult decisions and we can ask ourselves, is what I am doing in alignment with my values? Assessing your values is, I believe, always the first step towards discovering who you are. Just click here to start exploring your values.
If you are struggling to find your way forward and would like support with exploring your next steps then please contact me at [email protected] . I love to work with people seeking freedom and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.