Will you be living in the same city? Will you be working in the same career? How will you be living your life?
How does that question make you feel?
That was the question which really made me realise I had to make changes in my life. My response was “if I am doing the same thing with my career as I am currently doing then shoot me now!”
A little dramatic I know!
I had been unhappy in my career for a long time, yet felt I had missed the boat in terms of making a career change. I was working part-time in a role which was well-paid and afforded me flexibility to spend time with my young children, so outwardly everything looked great and yet………
I felt unfulfilled and had this niggling feeling that I could be doing something else with my life which would be much more rewarding, and frankly at which I would perform better because I was more interested.
Initially I was able to accept where I was because the kids were so little and I had all this wonderful flexibility but as they got older I realised that I wanted to be a role model who loved her career. What was the point of telling them that you can do anything you like when you grow up whilst I was coming home miserable from work, and hanging on by a thread because of the salary?
There was no epiphany about what I would do next but there was a realisation that unless I made some changes my professional life would not change. I realised that I had had so many other priorities that I had forgotten to invest in my own personal and professional development. I invested in a coach and started exploring free online courses in any subject which interested me. I spent time on personal reflection and I started to visualise a different future for myself. This gave me the courage to pursue much deeper learning and re-training.
I discovered that I am intrigued by the interaction between thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours, both within one person and between a group of people, and how this translates into the dynamics we see in the workplace. This brought me to coaching and leadership development, and my interest in wellbeing brought me also to positive psychology and how we improve our wellbeing so that we can really flourish.
I love to hold really meaningful conversations with people, posing powerful questions and challenging assumptions, to empower them to find their own answers and create their own path forward.
Can I help you find your way forward so that question no longer scares you?
If you would like to find fulfilment in your career, whilst also having a rich and stimulating life outside work, please download my worksheet called Dare to Dream! This is designed to kickstart a playful self-reflection, which is a great place to start any change journey so that you can figure which way you want to head.
Sue runs sue rosen executive coaching and specialises in helping people unleash the power of their potential. She also runs corporate wellbeing & leadership programs based on using mindfulness and positive psychology to enable people to bring their very best selves to work.