Who else has felt like this just too, too often? Especially on a Monday morning when it is hard to rustle up the enthusiasm to go to work!
And even though we may recognise that we are juggling too many balls and that we really need to get off the treadmill, we just can't even figure out how to do that! Or at other times we don't have much going on but still feel low and lethargic!
Last year Harvard Business Review and The Energy Project undertook a study across 20,000 employees in dozens of countries which showed that 59% of workers feel physically depleted, emotionally drained, mentally distracted and lacking in meaning in purpose. So one thing is for sure, you are not alone!!
You can have all the technical skills in the world and the best team in the world but if you or they are lacking in energy you and they will not perform at your best.
There can be a whole host of reasons why we lack energy and it can be really useful to explore what the reasons behind it are.
If you would like to explore new ways to improve your own performance and productivity by identifying where you need to focus your attention in order to boost your energy please join me for an "energy boost" workshop. This will be a practical hands-on session and you will walk away with tools to help manage your energy levels. Click here to book your spot as there are limited spaces.
If you are interested in re-balancing your own life or supporting your staff to re-balance theirs then please get in touch to discuss either one-on-one coaching or a workshop designed to improve the well-being and performance of your whole team, contact me at [email protected]